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Girl Power Playlist

Now, if you’re not a girl, don’t tune out yet! When I first started compiling this list, my focus was my daughter. She’s just entering those precarious adolescent years, and I started noticing and ...

The Science of Music and Exercise

Walk in the doors of any gym, and what are you going to hear? Probably some upbeat background music. Even with that, you’re going to see a lot of people wearing headphones, listening to their own m...

Staff Picks – Our 3 Best Workout Albums

Alright, I’ll admit it: I’m not a big fan of playlists.  A lot of my friends have carefully curated workout playlists to pump them up at the gym, but that approach never really worked for me.  The ...

Surfing with a Theme Song

There’s nothing better than grabbing your board and heading to the waves to get some surfing in. What if you could listen to music while you did it, though? Having your jams with you might just be ...

Your End-of-Summer Playlist for Swimming

I can’t believe it’s already August! With only one month of summer left, you’ve got to get in those sunny outdoor swim workouts while you still can. If you have a waterproof iPod, you already know ...

5 Ways to use your Waterproof iPod (Besides Lap Swimming)

People who swim laps regularly love our waterproof iPod shuffle because it breaks up the monotony of going back and forth in the pool. But what if you’re not exactly a competitive swimmer? There ar...