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Swimboost: The Ideal Pre-Workout Supplement for the Dedicated Swimmer
We're excited to announce that we at Underwater Audio have now released a mineral and vitamin pre-swim supplement. Curated specifically for the dedicated swimmer. It's called Swimboost. Drink Swim...

World's Most Expensive Swimming Pools
It’s no secret that pools aren’t cheap, and the bigger the more expensive. But there are people in the world who have lots of money. This is what happens when the two meet. Public Pools Szechenyi...
Inception: Rivers and Lakes…Underwater?
Ever heard of an underwater lake or river? No, not underground in a cave or something. We’re talking a river flowing through the ocean floor. A body of water within a body of water (*Inception*) ...
Myth Busted: Eating Before Swimming
I’m willing to bet most of you have heard the saying “Don’t go swimming for at least an hour after you eat that or you’ll get a cramp and die!” Mothers the world over tell their children this for f...
We love a fun environment at Underwater Audio, so here are five fun facts about the company: 1. Underwater Audio just celebrated its 1-year anniversary of being in business 2. We have weekly Thursd...