Underwater Audio Reviews
Discover the exciting and inspiring success stories from our past customers

Chris Smith
"I wanted to recover as fast as possible, so that meant getting in shape before the surgery... forget walking. I had to double down on swimming! That's where Underwater Audio came in. I NEVER would have been able to do it without Underwater Audio."
Chris' Story
Faced with impending knee surgery, Chris knew he needed to build his strength if he hoped to make a speedy recovery.
Walking was out of the question, so Chris turned to swimming in his backyard pool to prep for surgery. He started swimming 1/2 mile each day, eventually working his way up to 4 miles.
Chris swears he never could have done it without Underwater Audio.

Claudia McCoy
"My hardest part about swimming is always the motivation. Now I feel like I can get more competitive with my swim because I actually enjoy swimming more"
Claudia's Story
When Claudia began her journey to become a sponsored triathlete at the All-American level, she didn't even know how to swim freestyle (and she really hated swimming).
Now she's a world class competitor who actually enjoys swimming.
The Delphin by Underwater Audio is Claudia's motivation maximizing secret weapon that keeps her swimming consistently week in and week out.

Daniel Townsend
"I could only swim 25 meters before taking a break, now I swim over a kilometer"
Dan's story
When Dan was diagnosed with autoimmune arthritis, his physical and mental health went up in flames. His feet "felt like knives" and it hurt to even breath.
As a final effort to gain some regularity, Dan took up swimming. But his morale was low, and well... Dan really didn't enjoy swimming like he enjoyed weightlifting.
That's when his fiance bought him a Delphin from Underwater Audio.
Now armed with music, podcasts, and audiobooks, Dan found the motivation he needed to extend his swims from a measly 25 meters, to triumphant full kilometer sessions.
Next up is... your story!
We can’t wait for you to join Chris, Claudia, Dan, and the thousands of other swimmers around the world who have transformed their health, lifestyle, and training with Underwater Audio!
After you join our thousands of success stories, be sure to share yours with us so that you can help other swimmers make the same life-changing decision to dive in with music.