
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Underwater Audio Is Green!

Living in Oregon, there are some things that you never get to do: swimming in the ocean without having to go numb first, walking outside and not getting rained on at least once per week, or throwing away a piece of paper without that twinge of guilt.  Yes, Oregon is green and so is Underwater Audio!
One of the most impressive things Underwater Audio has under its green identity is that 100% of its energy consumption comes from the Blue Sky Renewable Energy program.  It’s a special program at Pacific Power that helps bring more sources of renewable energy on-line for others to use.
Another impressive factor is how much Underwater Audio recycles.  We continually try to actively decrease our waste and increase our recycling output.  10 lashings are given to anyone who throws away a piece of paper in the office (not really but you get the idea, this stuff is important to us).
Underwater Audio also makes sure to only use chemicals that are not harmful to the environment.  Other materials that are used include 100% recyclable bamboo sticks and reusable cloth bags.  In fact, if you order a waterproof iPod from our website, you may receive your iPod in a reused box!  In addition we continue to migrate to less energy-consuming machines.
It’s not just the company that tries to be green either.  Our employees also care enough about the environment to use alternative forms of transportation to and from work.  Our management encourages biking and using alternate transportation: half of the staff bikes to work, and many others carpool or take the bus!
Being green is a way of life here in Oregon and we’ve implemented it into every facet of the company.  It is important to us to reduce our carbon footprint while still providing a great product for our customers.  So rest assured, when you order your waterproof iPod you’re also helping the environment!
Written by Samantha Bonine

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