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Delphin Lap Tracking App and Companion App
Are you looking for a new way to track your laps in the pool?Have you tried using different kinds of watches or apps to track your laps, but can't find one that works as well as you would like?Luck...
NEW RELEASE! The Uku And The Clipi: A Match Made In The Pool
There’s a new duo making their first appearance in the pool here at Underwater Audio: the Uku and the Clipi. These two devices work incredibly well together, bringing to you your music to make your...
9 Reasons to Love Swimbuds Fit
#1 The sound Let’s be straight here, getting good sound underwater is a challenge. There’s the electronics component, which is historically not a love match with water. A lot of design elements tha...
Business as Usual: Update on the Underwater iPod Shuffle
We Read The News Yesterday, according to several news sources, Apple made some change-ups in their product line; they discontinued both the iPod nano and the iPod shuffle, in all their variations...
I admittedly don’t exercise as often as I should; I think we’ve all been there. When I do, it’s usually some form of running on a treadmill listening to music. Here’s my issue, and one I have heard...
Mother’s Day always sneaks up on me and every time I wish I could have remembered a little earlier to make sure the mothers in my life know how important they are! That’s why we’re giving you this ...